Saturday, December 22, 2007

The word of the day?: Beausage

I'd like to tell you about a new aesthetic term called "beausage". It sounds French but it's not; instead it's a synthetic combination of the words beauty and usage, and describes the beauty that comes with using something.

Also some excellent examples of this word:

- Roman amphitheater steps whose faces are worn away by the tread of thousands and thousands of shoes.

- Stone chips on the hood of a Ferrari 250 which has been run hard and put away wet.

- A bike seat whose adapted form reflects that of its owner's posterior.

- The look and feel of the cockpit of the old Mercedes pictured above (a jumble of replacement gauges and parts, obviously used a lot) -- that's 91 years of beausage!


tmcm said...

I was thinking about some kind of sausage

thomas said...
