Friday, July 30, 2010

A decent backpack?

affordable and convenient backpacks?
I shit you not, they do not exist

Flip someone the eagle

Now there are a million of ways to tell people to sod off, but well some are bit more effective than others.

My personal favorite is from our arab friends:
"Elif air ab dinikh" which means as much as A thousand dicks in your religion.

While this says a lot about a culture, we should remember that the Christian infidels are being plagued by a thousand dicks at the moment.

So... joke's on who?

Friday, July 9, 2010

Nuevo muzak

powered by Dropbox

edit: no idea how to embed a non autostart dropbox mp3... sucks

Thursday, July 8, 2010

I hate delayed gratification

Well haven't found time to it in a formal way (google chat just doesn't cut it), so here we go:
Olof, Congrats on the missus

And since you got that disease that comes with marriage, you know... onegina
well for you my friend (image is clickable, for old times sake):

Well we all know I was just pulling your leg

Because this dude just decided to blog again (so the ending was symbolic, duhh).
Anyways, as the baddass phoenix on this very sexy backside, this blog will rise again (AGAIN!)

You'll see!
The beginning of the end of the beginning

And I mean it!


Tuesday, April 27, 2010


a small book (160 pages) about the writer whom takes a stone from Vienna to the Black Sea. According to google it takes 10 days to walk there (nonstop walking that is)

I would guess this dude wrote the book for his own reference, as it seems google doesn't really know what I am talking about

What is this book about?
Amazon has a brief but fitting review:

When you find this book: BUY (or borrow) & READ!